French Guyana : Photos

Discover every day Photographs of the various countries of Africa and the Caribbean

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Grimpar des cabosses - Xiphorhynchus guttatus - Buff-throated Woodcreeper

Guyane Française

Manakin auréole - Pipra aureola - Crimson-hooded Manakin

Guyane Française

Sunset place

Guyane - Saint-Laurent du Maroni (Place de la roche bleue)


helmlinger.catherine posted a photo:



helmlinger.catherine posted a photo:



helmlinger.catherine posted a photo:


Egretta alba

Grande aigrette,, Great Egret.

Butorides striata

Héron strié, Striated Heron.

Butorides striata

Héron strié, Striated Heron.

Milan bleuâtre - Ictinia plumbea - Plumbeous Kite

Guyane Française

Milan bleuâtre - Ictinia plumbea - Plumbeous Kite

Guyane française

Nature Amazonienne

Dans la jungle tropicale.

Eudocimus ruber

Ibis rouge, Scarlet Ibis.

Chloroceryle aenea

Martin-pêcheur nain, American Pygmy Kingfisher . Male.

Egretta tricolor

Aigrette tricolore, Tricolored Heron

Phiale mimica*

Michel Banse posted a photo:

Phiale mimica*

Bouquet - bokeh

Fleur tropicale

Attila cannelle - Attila cinnamomeus - Cinnamon Attila

Guyane Française

Tapera naevia

Géocoucou tacheté, Striped Cuckoo

Buteo nitidus

Buse cendrée, Gray-lined hawk

Images automaticaly loaded from flickr with tags : (guyane)