Ivory Coast : Photos
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" United Nations in Ivory Coast . ONUCI. Violence en Côte d'Ivoire . by Effer Lecebe
EFFER LECEBE posted a photo:
Duékoué Massacre côte d'Ivoire
painting by Effer lecebe
Artist Peacekeeper
Carrying The Fish
The catch had landed and now this young woman was taking a load away. Ivory Coast.
Boni Awa and her 4-month-old son Aruna outside their home in Cote d'Ivoire on 3rd March 2020. While pregnant, Boni visited Mouyassue Health Centre for her antenatal care visits where she received doses of Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine (SP) to prevent malaria during her pregnancy. In 2019, the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) distributed enough antimalaria pills to protect over 9 million pregnant women from malaria.
Photo Credit: Mwangi Kirubi, PMI Impact Malaria
Côte D'Ivoire Street Scene
West Africa
Côte street scene
Grand Bassam
Côte - Playing in the street
Grand Bassam
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
Ivory Coast 2017
An aerial view from a U.N. helicopter shows Plateau, the business area in Abidjan December 27, 2010. REUTERS/Thierry Gouegnon (IVORY COAST - Tags: CITYSCAPE SOCIETY) - RTXW1FV
What's that ? ... A little bit of Ivory Coast at home ! /2
Bière "Bock" Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
What's that ? ... A little bit of Ivory Coast at home
Bière "Bock" Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
Management of a suspected case of malaria in a child
Ehua Koffi, 30 years, and her son Karim Nassirou, 2 years, are attended to by Community Health Volunteer Ewo N'guetta in Aboutou Village, Adiake, on 6th August 2019. Karim was exhibiting malaria symptoms but tested negative.
Photo Credit: PMI Impact Malaria
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