Benin : Photos
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*Schnäppchen in Afrikas Schweiz*
In Hio Houta (Benin) ca. 4.500 qm Baugrundstück direkt am Meer + ca. 1500 qm Strandnutzung sehr günstig zu verkaufen!
Benin Bronzes
richardr posted a photo:
Fon Applique Benin Dahomey Africa Lion flag
Large applique flag made in a Fon community in Benin (formerly Dahomey) West Africa. The lion and cutlass represent King Glele who ruled in the 19th century
Benin Bronze
richardr posted a photo:
*Schnäppchen in Afrikas Schweiz*
In Benin (Hio Houta) ca. 4.500 qm Baugrundstück direkt am Meer + ca. 1500 qm Strandnutzung sehr günstig zu verkaufen!
1-20 Sahel Art of the Sahara
Pre-1659 West African cotton and indigo royal tunic, a European import from the Ardra kingdom (southern Benin) via the Mandé trade networks. Courtesy: Museum Ulm, Germany
Installation view “Sahel: Art and Empires on the Shores of the Sahara”
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, New York
January 30 – May 10, 2020
Empty hospital beds during malaria season
The seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) campaign is successful from the outset and the number of children contracting malaria is drastically reduced. This sight of empty hospital beds at the peak of malaria season is rather unusual; and medical personnel on night shift sleep throughout the night at this time of year!
Happily commented Dr. Dogo Anita, Pediatrician at Hopital St. Jean de Dieu de Tanguieta.
Photo Credit: IHSA/MSH/USAID project Benin
Health worker provides treatment during an seasonal malaria chemoprevention campaign_USAID IHSA Project_Benin_
Photo credit: Jocelyn Akakpo/USAID IHSA Project
Doctor examines baby during seasonal malaria chemoprevention campaign
Photo credit: Jocelyn Akakpo/USAID IHSA Project
Felix Adegnika, WSSCC National Coordinator in Benin
Participant intervention at the Opening session
Interaction amongst participants on Day 2
Dynamic discussions with participants on WASH issues and commitments during Day 2
Group discussions on Day 2
Dr. Gamatié YOUSSOUF, WHO Representative in Benin
Dynamic discussion among participants after the Opening session
Media interview after the Opening session
Questions and Answers among participants during Day 2
Dynamic group discussion on Day 1
Images automaticaly loaded from flickr with tags : (benin)