- Afrikan nation, calm ! (YEHLISAN'UMOYA MA-AFRIKA)
- My money is gone (YAPHELI'MALI YAMI)
- If you don't obey your parents (WE BABA OMNCANE)
- Live in peace (UKUTHULA)
- Father of my children (YISE WABANT'A BAMI)
- You're playing around with this child (UGANGA NGE NGANE)
- He's toying with me (NGADLALWA YINDODA)
- He's the one (NGUYE LO)
- What are people saying about us (ZITHIN'IZIZWE)
- There are problems in every home (AWUKHO UMUZI ONGENA KUKHULUMA KWAWO)
- The crocodile (OXAMU)