African or Caribbean artists
Articles : African or Caribbean artists
Ali Gets His ArmsGlobalisation now has a musical voice. Wax (real name, Nde Ndifonka) is a young Cameroonian artist who brings together worldwide influences into a great debut album entitled Ali Gets His Arms. Released in South Africa in 2005 by Olimit Records, it is also destined to be released in Cameroon, France and the USA.
Bi Kidude, Zanzibar’s most famous cultural ambassador and legendary barefoot diva of taarab and unyago traditional music returns home tomorrow morning after a three month concert tour in Europe and will be welcomed at Zanzibar port by a carnival of floats and admirers.
A representative character of African tradition and a reputable percussionist from Senegal West Africa Djibril N’diaye Rose decided to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, the world renown Doudou N’diaye Rose, the greatest African percussionist from Senegal West Africa and become a percussionist himself.
Links : African or Caribbean artists

African Musicians Profiles (AMP) is a web site for the promotion and publicity of African musicians.
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