Training courses
Articles : Training courses
Introduction to Lambada zouk December 13thA chance to Learn Lambada zouk;Lyrical zouk style in a new fun filled workshop
The dance Caravan - Itinerant dance & music workshop in Senegal - 1st to 15th August
For travel and arts lovers, participate to the Dance Caravan, an itinerant dance & music worshop in Senegal under the direction of Ciré Béye, dancer-choréeorafer with the companies jant-bi, Jalloré and Dialaw'art, and regularly on international tour. He was formed at the Ecole des Sables of Toubab Dialaw with Germaine Acogny and gives regular workshops in Senegal, France, Czech Republic, Netherlands or Spain. Specialist of sabar, he will also lead the participants to the contemporary dance.
While following the dance and/or music workshop, you will doscover the senegalese all day life, including cooking and also batik art.
The Caravan will pass through Toubab Dialaw, Mbour, Joal, Saint-Louis, Dakar and Gorée and will propose 50h of workshop during the 2 weeks.
African Dance Training by Disté A. Camara (Tambour Kadanse Association)
Tambour Kadanse Association purposes an african dance training the 4th of april (saturday).
For any information, please visite our website
Un patchwork inédit mettant en évidence la relation à la musique dans les danses d’Afrique ou d’influence africaine.
Links : Training courses

African music in the Netherlands and Belgium. Concerts, festivals, percussion workshops and dance workshops. Monthly list with weekly updates.

Dance & music concerts, performances, parties!! African, brazilian, haitian, cuban, indian dance & music, belly dance, mambo-salsa...
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