Articles : Festivals
L'afrique s'invite au Satellit Café (PARIS)Le Satellit Café et l’association World Musique organisent deux semaines de concert autour de l’Afrique, histoire de présenter la richesse de ce pays par sa musique, ses artistes et ses traditions.
Dance Umbrella 2009: African Crossroads
A new generation of creators has emerged in Africa's urban centres and African Crossroads, a first for London and the UK, is your opportunity to see a range of vibrant choreography from across this enormously diverse continent.
THE AFRICAN FASHION FAIR 2009 aims to make African designers and their garments accessible...a majority of the African designers have bespoke labels which survive mainly through word of mouth. Many up coming designers need the help of their predecessors and the fashion fans at large.
THE AFRICAN FASHION FAIR brings together fashion houses, freelance designers and Fashion design institutions to give the fashion industry a jump start because the services necessary to support a thriving industry like mass production, fashion marketing & PR, fashion photography are beyond the reach of many designers; if they don't have major financial backing.
Festival Lignes Africaines 5ème édition
Samedi 14 mars Les Saulnières 18 h puis 21h
LE MANS concert
Les Espoirs de Coronthie
(Guinée Conakry)
Dimanche 15 mars 2009!/ de 10h à 12h30
Atelier danse avec Falila TAIROU (Baldescal) qui nous emmènera dans son univers et nous préparera au Bal Métisse de la semaine suivante!!
puis de 13h à 17h Atelier danse et chanson/musique avec Les Espoirs de Coronthie.
Et Atelier chant avec Clélia VEGA.
Ces «Ateliers-rencontres» avec les artistes sont un moment de rencontre entre parole et pratique, au cœur du processus créatif de l"artiste en
présence. Tous niveaux et par ordre d"inscription.
Renseignements et inscriptions: zutanobazar@free.fr / 06 43 04 97 58
Lieu!: Les Saulnières
Tarif!: 3euro d"adhésion à Zutano baZar obligatoire + 32euro par atelier
Lundi 16 mars Hôpital du Mans 15h
Duo danse & paroles
Binda Ngazolo et Florence Loison
Mercredi 18 mars Université du Maine 12h à 13h30
LE MANS Interventions artistiques plurielles
Jeudi 19 mars Université du Maine 18h à 19h30
LE MANS Interventions artistiques plurielles
puis 20h30 Romain Tardy et Thomas Vaquié
Vendredi 20 mars La Fonderie 20h30
LE MANS Présentation de
L'Echo d'Octavon + VOYAGES
Samedi 21mars MJC Ronceray 21h
LE MANS concert de
L"Echo d"Octavon + VOYAGES
et Radio Alpa/ MJC Prévert 16h/18h
Débat radio chez «Les Rillettes Sonores» avec les journalistes de
l"émission «L'Afrique Enchantée» /FRANCE INTER
Vendredi 27 mars Salle Jean Carmet 19h30
ALLONNES Bal Métisse avec Baldescal
Samedi 28 mars La Fonderie 17h puis 20h30
LE MANS Laboratoire Momentané + Nora CHipaumire
Dimanche 29 mars La Fonderie 17h
LE MANS Arbovitae Feminae, conférence dansée
KUUMBA - Toronto's longest-running and largest African Heritage Month festival returns to Harbourfront Centre with two weekends of music, dance, film, comedy, spoken word and literary events that support and celebrate innovative local and international artists from the African and Caribbean diaspora.
All Out Salsa Afro Beat Music Festival
Friday • OCTOBER 24 • 7:30PM
Saturday • OCTOBER 25 • 7:30PM
Friday: Willie Villegas Y Entre Amigos with special invited guest Fania All Stars Cuatro Legend - Yomo Toro; and Conjunto Imagen
Tickets: $25, $20, $15 – students with ID
Saturday: Akoya Afrobeat Ensemble; and Amayo’s Fu-Arkist-Ra
Fusing a mixture of African, Afro-Cuban, Jazz, and Funk music, Akoya is New York’s finest example of a musical melting pot. Featuring members from Panama, Ghana, Benin, South Africa, Japan and the U.S., this 13-piece ensembles embraces unity and positive vibrations.
Tickets: $35, $25, $20 – students with ID
Influences Caraïbes: Caribbean festival in Paris
This fall, from the 20th of october to the 17th of november, Paris is adorning with caribbean colors, rythms and images. The itinerary of the festival will take you throughout the City to discover the Caribbean Influences in Paris.
Links : Festivals

African music in the Netherlands and Belgium. Concerts, festivals, percussion workshops and dance workshops. Monthly list with weekly updates.

Since 1991, the "African Film Festival" has been held in Milan in March for a period of seven days. In 2004 the Festival took the name of African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival, extending the selection to include films from these three continents. Parallel events, or taking place immediately afterwards, are scheduled in other Italian cities.

Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) is the largest African film festival.
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