Mode Africaine et Antillaise
Actualité : Mode Africaine et Antillaise
A Guide to Starting Your Own T-shirt Label
Designing t-shirts can be a fun sideline or a full time career move and with a lot of talent and a bit of luck, can even potentially lead to a lucrative and creative occupation. ( |
Popular T-shirt Trends
T-shirts have been part of fashion since the 1920s and their design and use has gone through a number of different transformations. ( |
Why Designer T-shirts are Worth the Investment ( |
When Art and T-shirts Collide
The idea of using t-shirts as a form of art is becoming more and more widespread. ( |
The benefits of choosing steel toe boots
Steel toe boots are counted in the list of the most durable boots available today. These boots are designed to perfection and offer many benefits to the wearer. ( |
Simple tips for efficient care of work boots
Work boots are essential footwear for those working in harsh working conditions. These boots need to be maintained well so they can give you good value for money and protect your feet for long. ( |
Mistakes people make while buying the work boot online
It is important to choose the right work boot from credible online stores to ensure they serve you well for long. There are a few mistakes that you need to avoid in order to go through the process without any hassles. ( |
How to purchase your waterproof boots online?
Waterproof boots are essential to keep moisture away from your feet and protect it from fungal infections. If you want to choose from a wide range of options, buying them online is the right choice. ( |
How to buy Timberland boots at cheap prices?
If you prefer boots that are a perfect balance of quality and style, the Timberland boots are the ideal choice. They are ways in which you can procure these boots at affordable prices. ( |
Tips to ensure perfect maintenance of combat boots
Combat boots are tough boots that are meant to last a lifetime. However, it is important to maintain these boots well so they can retain their comfort and visual appeal for years. ( |
A Guide to Starting Your Own T-shirt Label
Designing t-shirts can be a fun sideline or a full time career move and with a lot of talent and a bit of luck, can even potentially lead to a lucrative and creative occupation. ( |
Popular T-shirt Trends
T-shirts have been part of fashion since the 1920s and their design and use has gone through a number of different transformations. ( |
Why Designer T-shirts are Worth the Investment ( |
When Art and T-shirts Collide
The idea of using t-shirts as a form of art is becoming more and more widespread. ( |
The benefits of choosing steel toe boots
Steel toe boots are counted in the list of the most durable boots available today. These boots are designed to perfection and offer many benefits to the wearer. ( |
Simple tips for efficient care of work boots
Work boots are essential footwear for those working in harsh working conditions. These boots need to be maintained well so they can give you good value for money and protect your feet for long. ( |
Mistakes people make while buying the work boot online
It is important to choose the right work boot from credible online stores to ensure they serve you well for long. There are a few mistakes that you need to avoid in order to go through the process without any hassles. ( |
How to purchase your waterproof boots online?
Waterproof boots are essential to keep moisture away from your feet and protect it from fungal infections. If you want to choose from a wide range of options, buying them online is the right choice. ( |
How to buy Timberland boots at cheap prices?
If you prefer boots that are a perfect balance of quality and style, the Timberland boots are the ideal choice. They are ways in which you can procure these boots at affordable prices. ( |
Tips to ensure perfect maintenance of combat boots
Combat boots are tough boots that are meant to last a lifetime. However, it is important to maintain these boots well so they can retain their comfort and visual appeal for years. ( |
The perks of using magnum boots
Despite the presence of many boots in the market today, it is the magnum boots that are the most preferred. There are a number of reasons for the popularity of these boots around the world. ( |
Facts you must know about military shoes
Military shoes are among the most durable shoes available today. There are a few things about these shoes that you need to know so you make the right choice. ( |
The need to purchase the steel toe boot
There are very few boots that can live up the standards of the steel toe boot in terms of offering protection. These boots are perfect for those working in manufacturing industries and construction sites amidst tough working conditions. ( |
The advantages of buying Under Armour boots
Under armour boots have been the preferred choice of boots for adventure enthusiasts for many years. These boots are designed to perfection and are durable and functional, thereby offering optimal protection. ( |
Protect your feet at all times with Converse boots
Converse boots have been the favorite of people from a very long time. Despite being around for years, these boots are still going strong because of the quality of the materials used and the overall design. ( |
Features of a desert boot that make it worth buying
The desert boot is designed to protect the feet of the wearer at all times, under any weather condition and in any terrain. These boots are endowed with features that make it worth buying. ( |
Traits that define well designed police shoes
Though the police shoes were being used only by those in the police department and other law enforcement agencies, today they are used by the common man as well. The fact that it has a simple design, but multiple features, has contributed to its popularity. ( |
How to take care of your Wellco boots?
Buying Wellco boots without taking proper care of them will only result in the waste of hard earned money. These boots can serve you well for long if you set aside a few minutes of your time regularly to clean and maintain them well. ( |
Experience sturdy performance with Bellville boots
Bellville boots are being used by numerous people from various parts of the world for years and have gained a strong repute. These boots are famous because of their potential to serve well under any terrain and in any weather condition. ( |
Types Of Side Zip Boots And Its Features
The zip boots are the most comfortable boots in terms of usage and functionality as well. There are various types of boots under this category for clients to choose from. ( |
Top Reasons To Choose The Smith And Wesson Boots
If you are a stickler for quality and want nothing short of the best, the Smith and Wesson boots are the perfect choice for you. These boots are designed to serve well under any circumstances without falling prey to wear and tear. ( |
Liens : Mode Africaine et Antillaise

Afro rootswear ce sont des vêtements et des accessoires de mode pour hommes, femmes et enfants. Mais c'est également de l'artisanat, des bijoux, de la littérature et des contes africain.

boutique en ligne de la mode africaine, ou vous trouverez un vaste ensemble de tenues traditionnelles et vetements stylises africains de style europeen

Tout pour la beauté des cheveux de la femme black et métissée - perruques, demi-perruques, tissages et autres extensions de marque Beverly Johnson, directement importées des USA

BELTIFLè est une association (loi 1901), où des jeunes ayant une passion commune pour la mode se retrouvent afin d'approfondir leurs talents et développer leurs potentiels.

Jeune styliste proposant des modèles pour hommes , pour les hommes qui veulent changer leur gardes robes.

Madinisa, jeune createur afro antillais : figurines de mode, defiles, creation, conception de modeles hommes, femmes, enfants. Peintures sur toile, aquarelles, acrylique, huile

Glamour-ethnic, Ethnic-chic, Urban-ethnic ; convaincue de la richesse de la mixité de la mode, et sans se figer derrière des expressions à consonance galvaudée Sonia MARTY invente et réalise avec enthousiasme un nouveau style, tout simplement chic, féminin, glamour et contemporain, aux senteurs d'ici et d'ailleurs

Les créations de Oumou Sy sont présentes à longueur d'années à l'étranger lors des défilés spectacles qu'elle organise en Europe et en Afrique, ainsi que dans ses points de ventes de Paris et Genève.

Guide recette naturelle beauté. noire et métissée et coiffures mode et tendances. Mais aussi un guide pour vivre sainement en évitant l'usage des produits chimiques dans les produits de la vie courante. Le forum permet d'échnger gratuitement les astuces.

Amoureux de la terre d'Afrique, inspiré par ses couleurs chatoyantes et ses senteurs épicées, Alphadi a su faire rejaillir une âme africaine au travers de créations universelles.

Site du Modeliste, styliste et de formateur de mode Michèle Yakice. Localisé à Abidjan, Michèle Yakice apporte des pières à l'édification de la Mode Africaine.

Le portail de mode pour la communauté noire. Mode Black c'est aussi : prêt à porter avec des collections superbes et les dernières tendances de la mode, conseils et soin de beauté black (bijoux, coiffure, maquillage...) , et év&eagrave;nements concours de beauté, défilé de mode, élection de miss, soirés, etc...

Lolo Andoche revisite la mode africaine. Il se sert de divers matériaux dans sa création. Il modernise et remet au goût du jour,les richesses de l'AFRIQUE. Le pagne,le bazin,le lin,le bogolan,l'indigo et d'autres supports constituent sa matière première.

Ciseaux d'Or est une maison de couture spécialisée dans la couture mixte "style Africain & Européen", dans la Broderie et dans l'entretien des vêtements. Elle est installée à Dédougou,à Koudougou avec une représentation à Ouagadougou.

Belle est la mode Africaine, redécouvrons-la à travers les tenues confectionnées sous la griffe Traditions.

Philingerie est une société de lingerie feminine française : soutien-gorge, string, culotte, slip, maillot, dentelle, boxer et sous-vetement sexy - la lingerie fine à la mode pour la femme.

La marque commerciale Vlisco se porte garante de Wax & Java Prints originaux, fabriqués exclusivement en Hollande. Véritable "Vlisco" est sans doute l`imprimé le plus populaire en Afrique.
Depuis des années, la plupart des imprimés commercialisés en Afrique a été inspirée par le Véritable Wax & Java Print Hollandais Vlisco

Femmes noires et métissées, découvrez votre premier portail sur le Web. Des rubriques variées, une équipe à votre écoute, un espace de rencontres, d'échanges et d'informations sur des sujets aussi variés que beauté, couple, sexualité, culture, société, tendances...etc. Boutique en ligne. Vente de vêtements et accessoires de mode ethnique d'inspiration africaine. Prêt-à-porter et sur Commande.

Au plus profond de la forêt et au coeur des traditions africaines est né un créateur de mode : Anggy Haïf. Sa mission est de réconcilier le corps et la nature, le passé et le futur.

Olivier Arts Africains avec l'Espace Faguèye ont pour objectifs de Développer la connaissance, promouvoir, mettre en valeur, favoriser la reconnaissance et mener des actions en vue de la diffusion de l'art d'Afrique et d'inspiration africaine. Créer les conditions d'un pont entre le nord et le sud pour un projet de développement et de diversité culturelle. Toutes les filières artistiques sont concernées : Peinture, sculpture, photographie, design, architecture, création textile, cinéma, arts vivants, l'écriture.
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