Níger : Photos
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Gosling Bunting as seen at Takwa Bay Lagos, Nigeria
Gosling Bunting as seen at Takwa Bay Lagos, Nigeria
Glosling Bunting as seen at Takwa Bay Lagos, Nigeria
Little Cormorant (Microcarbo niger)
Taken on February 13, 2019
Lucky shot of a black tern
It was far away and it is rare. I succeeded with a point and shoot lucky shot.
Black Skimmer
The Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger) is similar to the Tern in size and behavior, however they differ in that the skim the water's surface in an attempt to catch food. The bury their lower beak in the water and fly along the surface waiting until they feel their beak hit something in the water (hopefully a fish) before closing their beak. They frequently will skim for 15-20 yards at a time but will go longer at times. The unique way that it feels for fish as it skims along allows them to feed even at night, though they are primarily active at dawn and dusk.
Conservation Status: Declining
Niger River Mali Sepia April 1995 015 African Goat Boys
Niger River Mali April 1995 African Goat Boys
African forces build on intelligence, conduct simulated raid at Flintlock 20
A Senegalese Soldier secures an enemy combatant while under the cover of smoke during a simulated raid, conducted after gathering intelligence in pursuit of malign actors as part of the Flintlock 20 scenario, near Atar, Mauritania on Feb. 26, 2020. Flintlock is an annual, integrated military and law enforcement exercise that has strengthened key partner-nation forces throughout North and West Africa since 2005. Flintlock is U.S. Africa Command’s premier and largest annual Special Operations Forces exercise. (U.S. Army Sgt. Conner Douglas)
Black Skimmer
Betty Vlasiu posted a photo:
Bestkiler Hurtnica czarna (Lasius niger)
Rafal N. posted a photo:
black skimmer-2
bonanzajellydog posted a photo:
black skimmer-3
bonanzajellydog posted a photo:
Hurtnica pospolita (Lasius niger)
Rafal N. posted a photo:
Hurtnica pospolita (Lasius niger)
Rafal N. posted a photo:
Demining operations in Niger
AP ID 51 (indetectable)
Photo courtesy of CNCCI and must be mandatory credited to CNCCI Niger.
Demining operations in Niger
Photo courtesy of CNCCI and must be mandatory credited to CNCCI Niger.
Demining operations in Niger
Photo courtesy of CNCCI and must be mandatory credited to CNCCI Niger.
Demining operations in Niger
Bouncing mine APMB 51/55
Photo courtesy of CNCCI and must be mandatory credited to CNCCI Niger.
Demining operations in Niger
Photo courtesy of CNCCI and must be mandatory credited to CNCCI Niger.
Demining operations in Niger
Photo courtesy of CNCCI and must be mandatory credited to CNCCI Niger.
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