Guinea : Photos
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Papua New Guinea magnitude 7.0 earthquake (12:50 PM, 17 July 2020)
This is a seismogram for the Maple Creek seismic station in Yellowstone, Wyoming. The prominent noise on the 21:00 line on the graph (click on the image once or twice to zoom in) was caused by shock waves from a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that hit just offshore from Papua New Guinea in the Solomon Sea, north of Australia. The quake occurred at 12:50 PM, local time, on 17 July 2020. Shock waves arrived at the seismic station at 9:04 PM, 16 July 2020, Yellowstone time, ~14 minutes after the quake hit. The hypocenter was at about 80 kilometers depth - that seems pretty deep, but it's classified as an intermediate-depth earthquake.
See info. at:
(a decent write-up is at the bottom of that webpage)
The quake indicated near the right end of the 20:00 line on the graph is a magnitude 2.8 earthquake in Idaho's Sawtooth Range. The quake occurred at 8:24 PM, local time, on 16 July 2020. It took less than one minute for shock waves to arrive at the station. This is one of many aftershocks from a powerful quake that hit the area in spring 2020.
See info. at:
An earthquake is a natural shaking or vibrating of the Earth caused by sudden fault movement and a rapid release of energy. Earthquake activity is called "seismicity". The study of earthquakes is called "seismology". The actual underground location of an earthquake is the hypocenter, or focus. The site at the Earth's surface, directly above the hypocenter, is the epicenter. Minor earthquakes may occur before a major event - such small quakes are called foreshocks. Minor to major quakes after a major event are aftershocks.
Most earthquakes occur at or near tectonic plate boundaries, such as subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges, collision zones, and transform plate boundaries. They also occur at hotspots - large subsurface mantle plumes (Examples: Hawaii, Yellowstone, Iceland, Afar).
Earthquakes generate four types of shock waves: P-waves, S-waves, Love waves, and Rayleigh waves. P-waves and S-waves are body waves - they travel through solid rocks. Love waves and Rayleigh waves travel only at the surface - they are surface waves. P-waves are push-pull waves that travel quickly and cause little damage. S-waves are up-and-down waves (like flicking a rope) that travel slowly and cause significant damage. Love waves are side-to-side surface waves, like a slithering snake. Rayleigh waves are rotational surface waves, like ripples from tossing a pebble into a pond.
Earthquakes are associated with many specific hazards, such as ground shaking, ground rupturing, subsidence (sinking), uplift (rising), tsunamis, landslides, fires, and liquefaction.
Some famous major earthquakes in history include: Shensi, China in 1556; Lisbon, Portugal in 1755; New Madrid, Missouri in 1811-1812; San Francisco, California in 1906; Anchorage, Alaska in 1964; and Loma Prieta, California in 1989.
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Guineans engage in close-quarters battle drills at Flintlock 20
Members of the Republic of Guinea Armed Forces clear an urban structure while conducting close quarter battle training during Flintlock 20 near Nouakchott, Mauritania, Feb. 18, 2020. Flintlock is an annual, integrated military and law enforcement exercise that has strengthened key partner-nation forces throughout North and West Africa since 2005. Flintlock is U.S. Africa Command’s premier and largest annual Special Operations Forces exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Sidney Sale)
Republic of Guinea Armed Forces execute culminating drills at Flintlock 20
Members of the Republic of Guinea’s armed forces escort hostages as they exfil from their target during a simulated raid as part of the Flintlock Exercise in Nouakchott, Mauritania on Feb. 26, 2020. Flintlock is an annual, African-led integrated military and law enforcement exercise that has strengthened key partner-nation forces throughout North & West Africa as well as Western Special Operations since 2005. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Sidney Sale)
Guineans engage in close-quarters battle drills at Flintlock 20
Members of the Republic of Guinea Armed Forces clear an urban structure while conducting close quarter battle training during Flintlock 20 near Nouakchott, Mauritania, Feb. 18, 2020. Flintlock is an annual, integrated military and law enforcement exercise that has strengthened key partner-nation forces throughout North and West Africa since 2005. Flintlock is U.S. Africa Command’s premier and largest annual Special Operations Forces exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Sidney Sale)
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to RHS Yellow - Reverse
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to RHS Yellow - Reverse with Expanded View of 22
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to RHS Yellow Niton XRF Alloy Tester Analysis
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to LHS Niton XRF Alloy Tester Analysis
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to RHS Yellow - Obverse
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to LHS 122 Serrations - Reverse with Close-Up of "22"
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to LHS 122 Serrations - Obverse
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to LHS 122 Serrations - Reverse with Counting Grid Overlay
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin Streaky 98 Serrations - Obverse with Counting Grid Overlay
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Fake Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin 22 to LHS 122 Serrations - Reverse
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin Die Cracks 100 Serrations - Obverse Overlay Showing Expanded View of Die Cracks
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin Die Cracks 100 Serrations Niton XRF Alloy Tester Analysis
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin Streaky 98 Serrations - Obverse
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin Streaky 98 Serrations - Reverse
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
1950 - 1951 Saudi Arabia Gold £1 One Pound Guinea Coin Streaky 98 Serrations Niton XRF Alloy Tester Analysis
Lawrence Chard posted a photo:
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