Botswana : Photos

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Unhappy hippo...

Driving around an area called Nogatsaa, in the Chobe National Park on Saturday, where there is no permanent water, we came across this guy wallowing in a pan, which was starting to dry... There was more mud then water...
The pans are filled by rain water, and our last rain was at the end of March...
Just hoping that he will manage to find his way to permanent water soon...

7.22-8.9.07 Africa 1476 copy

Chobe River Sunset In Chobe National Park, Botswana

End of the Day

k.clay1234 posted a photo:

End of the Day

The Vulnerable Giraffe

k.clay1234 posted a photo:

The Vulnerable Giraffe

Evil Eye

Getting the evil eye form the lion on the right. Savuti water hole, Chobe National Park, Botswana.


Wildebeest for lunch. Chobe National Park, Botswana

What's that?-6

Lazy leopard becomes alert. Chobe National Park, Botswana

Südlicher Hornrabe / Southern Ground Hornbill

Ein Südlicher Hornrabe im Moremi-Wildreservat (Okavangodelta, Botswana).

A Southern Ground Hornbill in the Moremi Game Reserve (Okavango Delta, Botswana).

Botswana_Khama rhino sanctuary African Goshawk

The African goshawk is a species of African bird of prey in the genus Accipiter which is the type genus of the family Accipitridae.
Scientific name: Accipiter tachiro

Kalahari Sunset


Plains Zebra

Fighting Zebra stalions

Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)

Juvenile White Pelican trying to fly for the first time

Red Lechwe (Kobus leche)

Red Lechwe in swamp at sunset

Blaues Gnu / Blue Wildebeest

Ein Blaues Gnu (Streifengnu) im Moremi-Wildreservat (Okavangodelta, Botswana).

A Blue Wildebeest in the Moremi Game Reserve (Okavango Delta, Botswana).

White-headed Vulture (Trigonoceps occipitalis)

Ian N. White posted a photo:

White-headed Vulture  (Trigonoceps occipitalis)

Marshall Eagle

A Marshall Eagle with it's kill in its claws. Botswana 2018

The beautiful African Stonechat...

This male certainly had me running around trying to keep up with him... He eventually came to rest on this reed, very close to where I was sitting...

Always on Alert

The beautiful tall grasses and the way this impala fit into them captured my attention with this scene.

Impala (Aepyceros melampus) in tall grasses, Moremi Game Reserve, Okavango Delta, Botswana.


Facebook: @tomschwabelphotography
Instagram: @tomschwabelphotography

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before the light comes

the Meyer's parrot (poicephalus meyeri) is uncommon in southern africa except a few areas in botswana.i tried to catch this bird in tuli block close to a waterhole.they come to drink at morning and later disappear in to the bush.the parrots came but too early,just before the light.
you can see the sunlight with the bird still in to the shade.quite complicate for the feather quality but a nice effect in the background.
tuli block, southern botswana
original 3K file here:

Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus)

Ian N. White posted a photo:

Lanner Falcon (Falco biarmicus)

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