Ile Maurice : Musique
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Artistes ou Groupes
Alain Ramanisum(5)[video] - Babalé(1) - Carino(5) - Cassiya(17)[infos][video] - Claudio Veeraragoo(3)[video] - Clifford Rita(2) - Cololo(3) - Crossbreed Supersoul(0) - Dagger Kila(1) - Denis Fricot(1) - Desiré François(2) - Didier Clarel(1)[video] - Emilien(2)[video] - Eric Triton(2)[infos] - Fanfan(1) - Georges Armelle(1) - Gerard Louis(1) - Jean-Claude Gaspard(3)[video] - Johnny Sheridan(1) - Juliette Joennise(1) - Kana(2) - Kathy(1) - Kaya(6)[video] - Les Windblows(5) - Manahé(1) - Marie-José Couronne(1) - Mary-Jane Gaspard(0)[video] - Meera Mohun(1) - Menwar(1)[infos][video] - Michel Legris(0)[video] - Nancy Dérougère(2)[video] - Racin Seggae(4)[audio] - Racinetatane(1) - Ras Natty Baby(6)[video] - Roger Augustin(1) - Serge Lebrasse(2)[infos] - Steve Augustin(2) - Sylvio Louise(1) - Sylvio Lynx(1) - Ti Frere(1)[infos] -
Les Ségatiers de l'Ile Maurice(1) - Séga non-stop(1) - Sega Dance(2) -
Musiques traditionnelles
Ile Rodrigues(2) -
Actualité : Ile Maurice : Musique
Strike the Right Chords with Custom Guitar Building
Music lends a harmony to life. Music is the remedy for many musicians which can aid in solving several problems. Many people play several types of musical instruments in the world. Out of all the instruments, guitars are one of the most popular and widely used musical instruments across the globe. ( |
Grand Pianos Are Full Of Life and History
Music has inspired many people over the centuries to create musical instruments. The piano is the result of that inspiration. Some of the greatest musicians have composed symphonies and sonatas for all instruments just by using the piano. ( |
The Groovemaster : Tony Newton Story Out Now
If you are a movie fanatic, then it will definitely be the best way to spend time. There are different genres of movies and documentaries are one of them. ( |
Key Features Of The iPod Touch that make it a ‘must-have’ gadget
Of the many gadgets that have entered the market in recent times, it is the iPod Touch that has created a new rage all over the world. The innumerable features of this tiny gadget make it a 'must-have' for people today. ( |
IPod Touch Accessories That Add More Value
Though small in size, the iPod Touch is a cool gadget to own. While this gadget by itself is endowed with many features, there are a few accessories available that can enhance the versatility of this gadget and improve its value. ( |
IPod Touch - More than just another gadget to listen to music
A certain section of people today still believe that the iPod Touch is just another gadget to listen to music on the go. They cannot be farther from the truth. These gadgets are multi-functional and can perform innumerable tasks. ( |
The iPod Touch from Apple is definitely not a lemon
The entry of the iPod Touch in the market created a new rage all over the world. This gadget from Apple went on to prove that it is not just one of the many gadgets available in the market, thanks to its versatile functionality. ( |
The iPod Touch - Object Of Desire
The iPod Touch from Apple is one of the most sought after gadgets in the world today. This object of art is also an object of desire that makes people bend over backwards to own it. Learn more about this gadget to find out what makes it so irresistible. ( |
Buy Quality headphones for the Ultimate experience
Listening to good music does not imply dependency on speakers at all times. Using the right headphones can also make a difference and enhance your “musical” experience. ( |
Let your favourite music go to your head with the right headphones
You can enjoy your favourite music the best only when you have the right pair of headphones that offer unbeatable clarity of sound and the best audio. Learn more about these gadgets and the various choices available. ( |
Strike the Right Chords with Custom Guitar Building
Music lends a harmony to life. Music is the remedy for many musicians which can aid in solving several problems. Many people play several types of musical instruments in the world. Out of all the instruments, guitars are one of the most popular and widely used musical instruments across the globe. ( |
Grand Pianos Are Full Of Life and History
Music has inspired many people over the centuries to create musical instruments. The piano is the result of that inspiration. Some of the greatest musicians have composed symphonies and sonatas for all instruments just by using the piano. ( |
The Groovemaster : Tony Newton Story Out Now
If you are a movie fanatic, then it will definitely be the best way to spend time. There are different genres of movies and documentaries are one of them. ( |
Key Features Of The iPod Touch that make it a ‘must-have’ gadget
Of the many gadgets that have entered the market in recent times, it is the iPod Touch that has created a new rage all over the world. The innumerable features of this tiny gadget make it a 'must-have' for people today. ( |
IPod Touch Accessories That Add More Value
Though small in size, the iPod Touch is a cool gadget to own. While this gadget by itself is endowed with many features, there are a few accessories available that can enhance the versatility of this gadget and improve its value. ( |
IPod Touch - More than just another gadget to listen to music
A certain section of people today still believe that the iPod Touch is just another gadget to listen to music on the go. They cannot be farther from the truth. These gadgets are multi-functional and can perform innumerable tasks. ( |
The iPod Touch from Apple is definitely not a lemon
The entry of the iPod Touch in the market created a new rage all over the world. This gadget from Apple went on to prove that it is not just one of the many gadgets available in the market, thanks to its versatile functionality. ( |
The iPod Touch - Object Of Desire
The iPod Touch from Apple is one of the most sought after gadgets in the world today. This object of art is also an object of desire that makes people bend over backwards to own it. Learn more about this gadget to find out what makes it so irresistible. ( |
Buy Quality headphones for the Ultimate experience
Listening to good music does not imply dependency on speakers at all times. Using the right headphones can also make a difference and enhance your “musical” experience. ( |
Let your favourite music go to your head with the right headphones
You can enjoy your favourite music the best only when you have the right pair of headphones that offer unbeatable clarity of sound and the best audio. Learn more about these gadgets and the various choices available. ( |
Headphones Now Offer The Best Clarity and Quality of Audio
The headphones that are available in the market today are way different from how they were when they started off. The ones today offer the best quality in terms of audio and clarity of sound. ( |
Features of a Good Headphone Offering High Quality Performance
There are so many brands coming up with various types of headphones that making the right choice can be highly confusing and time consuming. If you are looking for ones that offer high quality performance, here are some attributes to look out for. ( |
Learn to Play Guitar - Tips for Learning the Guitar for Less
Traditionally, if someone wanted to learn to play guitar, he or she hired a professional and started one-on-one training. This could be costly. The Internet has made learning to play guitar easy and inexpensive. ( |
Piano repair - searching for a Piano tuner
A Piano, just like any other instrument, or tool, can break down and need repairs. Even if there are no broken parts and does not need repairs, it will require tuning. In such cases, you will require expert assistance to repair and tune the piano. As a resident of Toronto, my friend Bill, whose child is learning to play the piano, had to search for a Toronto Piano tuner, to tune his Childs piano, so that she could practice properly and in tune. ( |
Promote your Band-Be more visible
Over the decades, many music bands have been born, but have died an unknown death and disbanded. The reasons may be many, such as band members leaving for greener pastures, members not able to adjust to each other's temperament, etc. College kids or young adults start most bands, and many stick it out for years and make it to big time, but most die a slow death. If you are starting a Band or have already started a Band with a group of friends, you must understand the basic principle of a successful band, and that is, Promote Your Band. ( |
Brain Food: 7 Ways Piano Playing Benefits Your Brain
If you're looking for a perfect way to keep your mind sharp, piano playing is the solution. It exercises several different parts of the mind and body, while providing you with years of musical enjoyment. Whether you play piano currently or are thinking about starting, playing piano is great brain food. ( |
Easy Piano: Ways You Can Start Playing Piano Right Away
The pleasure of being able to play a song on the piano is something that must be experienced. And playing piano does not have to be difficult -- there are methods for easy piano that get you started with just 3 or 4 simple chords. ( |
The Main Reasons You Are Not Getting A Record Deal
Getting signed to a record deal is thee ultimate goal, whether it is a distribution or artist deal. And if it has been hard to get one, So here is a deeper look at the most common mistakes an artist makes when they are shopping for a record deal. ( |
How To Handle Your Music Business
We must understand with respect that the music business is more important than the art of music so we must first create a separate business entity from your personal self to conduct professional music business with professional music businesses (i.e.) major record labels, radio stations, and major retail stores. ( |
How To Record With The Right Attitude
We must first start off with the focus of attitude, knowledge, and understanding, in finding right direction in which you are going to take in order to obtain your specific goals, weather it be a recording artist deal, as in a demo deal, single deal, or an multi album deal, or you might want a publishing deal, or an distribution deal. ( |
Why You Should Get In Shape to Sell Some Records
We must understand with respect that the music business is more important than the art of music so we must first create a separate business entity from your personal self to conduct professional music business with professional music businesses (i.e.) major record labels, radio stations, and major retail stores. ( |
Liens : Ile Maurice : Musique vous offre des produits originaux, tels que cds et dvds, de l'île Maurice et des autres iles de l'Ocean Indien! Nous espérons que vous passerez un agréable moment sur notre site et nous vous souhaitons de bons achats! est un lieu de rencontres et de discussions constructives pour tous ceux qui ont l'île maurice et les îles de l'océan indien dans le sang et dans le coeur. Nous diffusons du séga, seggae, et ragga pour votre plaisir et pour la propagation de la musique des îles à travers le monde.
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