- Great Kings Of Africa [Feat. Dennis Brown & Ini Kamoze]
- Bone Lie [Feat. Dennis Brown, Freddie McGregor & Cocoa Tea]
- Naw Eat The Meat [Feat. Lovindeer]
- Wise Up [Feat. Sugar Minott]
- Mama Land [Feat. Tony Rebel]
- Psalms 24 [Feat. Luciano]
- Walking On Gravel [Feat. Ini Kamoze & Marcia Griffiths]
- Dem Lie [Feat. Glen Brownie]
- The Mystery Unfolds [Feat. Ibo Cooper]
- The Confusion Today [Wat A Gwaan] [Feat. Pam Hall]
- Spirituality [Feat. Pam Hall & Marcia Griffiths]
- Bun Dung Babylon [Feat. Marcia Griffiths]
- Up You Mighty Race
- Life And Debt
- Gaan Ketch Wi Again
- Nah Eat De Meat [Dancehall Mix]
- Miss Lou Meets The Peanut Vendor [Dean Frazer]
- Life And Dub