- Reminder On Fugitives - Dim Abilo
- Keep Your Commandments - Holy Rosary Church Chor
- The Blue Light - Bernard Kabanda Ssalongo
- I Hate A Girl Who Mocks My Father - Kazana Vizana
- Praise The Lord - Holy Rosary Church Chor
- Lesson About Thieves - Dim Abilo
- The Artillery Gun - Bernard Kabanda Ssalongo
- Lord, We Offer You - Holy Rosary Church Chor
- Man Must Be Vigilant - Kazana Vizana
- An Affair With A Married Woman - Dim Abilo
- The Call Of Abraham - Holy Rosary Church Chor
- The War At Kakinga - Bernard Kabanda Ssalongo
- Ajulina Prevents Me From Sleeping - Kazana Vizana
- Joy To The World - Holy Rosary Church Chor
- Thanks To The President Yoweri Museveni - Dim Abilo