- Yehlisan' Umoya Ma-Afrika [African Nation Calm]
- Inzinzswa [Young Men]
- We Baba Omncane [If You Don't Obey Your Parents]
- Uganga Nge Ngane [You're Playing Around with This Child]
- Yiswe Wabant'a Bami [Father of My Children] - Lokua Kanza, Busi Mhlongo
- Indiza [Voyages] - Busi Mhlongo, Oumou Sangare
- Yaphi' Imali Yami [My Money Is Gone]
- Lua Lua
- Ntandane [Orphan]
- Umenthisi [Matches]
- Ting-Tingi [Cash Dispenser]
- Mfaz' Onga Pheshya [Woman from Abroad]
- Song for Doc - Madala Kunene, Busi Mhlongo, Baba Serokoeng, Mabi Thobejane