News : Education
Zimbabwe: Covid-19 - Union Urges Teachers to Shun Zimsec Marking
[New Zimbabwe] Teachers around the country who usually offer services to the Zimbabwe School Examination Council (ZIMSEC) through marking exams have been urged to avoid that this time around in the interest of the safety. (AllAfrica) |
Kenya: Dorm Fire Destroys Property at Bomet's Kimulot Boys School
[Nation] A dormitory at Kimulot Boys High School in Bomet County has been reduced to a shell in a fire that broke out on Monday morning. (AllAfrica) |
Tanzania: Old Public Schools Repair On Course
[Daily News] THE government is on course of repairing old public schools, teachers' houses and other related buildings to create conducive learning environment in the institutions, it was disclosed. (AllAfrica) |
South Africa: Leveraging Off Covid-19 - There Could Be a Silver Lining for Education
[Daily Maverick] The pandemic has raised challenges that offer us an opportunity for a radical reimagining of our education system that could change our future. As we mark World Education Day on 24 January 2021, we argue that social investors will be key to ensuring the success of collective and collaborative efforts between public and private sector players. (AllAfrica) |
Rwanda: Kigali-Based Varsities Opt for Digital Learning Amid Lockdown
[New Times] Higher learning institutions in Kigali have resorted to digital learning in order to prevent students from lagging behind their counterparts in other parts of the country, The New Times has learnt. (AllAfrica) |
Kenya: Persons Living With Disabilities Get Sh14 Million Scholarships
[Nation] Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd has released Sh14 million towards 2021 scholarship programme for Persons Living with Disabilities (PWDs). (AllAfrica) |
Zimbabwe: Research Body Warns Govt e-Learning Not Working
[New Zimbabwe] GOVERNMENT's electronic learning facilities have been a challenge for learners without access to technology, with unstable home environments and those bearing the brunt of Zimbabwe's economic woes, the Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU) has said. (AllAfrica) |
Kenya: Chesamisi High School Closed After Students Riot Over Entertainment
[Nation] Chesamisi High School in Kimilili Sub-county, Bungoma County, was closed indefinitely on Sunday following destructive student riots over a change in the entertainment programme. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: A Shortage of 280,000 Public, Private School Teachers
[This Day] The dearth of teachers should be addressed urgently (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Federal Universities Non-Teaching Staff to Go on Strike Feb 5
[Premium Times] The non-teaching staff of federal universities have resolved to embark on a nationwide strike on February 5, over the non-implementation of the agreement entered with the Federal Government, an official has said. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Of Toyin Falola, African Scholars and the Western Academy
[Premium Times] ... the bottom-line is that doctorates from Nigerian universities would not be taken seriously in Euro-America unless, largely, the graduates from Nigeria are able to match the research skills of graduates from Euro-American universities... What makes a university is not the teaching but the research. (AllAfrica) |
Burkina Faso: Q&A - Why We Must Invest in Educating Children in Crisis-Hit Burkina Faso
[IPS] Accra -- Education Cannot Wait (ECW) - the first global fund dedicated to education in emergencies and protracted crises - was on the ground in Burkina Faso last week with its Director, Yasmine Sherif, to launch a new multi-year programme that aims to provide an education to over 800,000 children and adolescents in crisis-affected areas. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Varsity Workers to Begin Nationwide Strike February 5
[Leadership] Nonacademic staff of universities have concluded plans to embark on a nationwide strike on February 5, 2021. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Covid-19 and Reopening of Schools
[This Day] The House of Representatives argues that the reopening of schools is ill-timed, writes Peter Kumu (AllAfrica) |
Tanzania: Major Facelift On Technical Schools
[Daily News] Dodoma -- THE government has spent a whopping 16.43bn/- in renovating education infrastructure of the country's nine technical schools, including employing 150 teachers, it has been stated. (AllAfrica) |
Kenya: Dons Set for Pay Raise After Court Approves Sh14 Billion Deal
[Nation] Public university lecturers have scored big after a court certified three collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) that cap their increased salaries and benefits at Sh13.8 billion. (AllAfrica) |
Gambia: Young Gambian Doctors to Study Medicine Specialties in Cuba
[The Point] Banjul, Jan 19 - Two young Gambian doctors will study in Cuba the specialties of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and Intensive Therapy, after the authorities of the largest of the Antilles grant two free scholarships to this nation, as part of their historic solidarity collaboration with Africa. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Out-of-School Children Drops to 6,9 Million - Govt
[This Day] Abuja -- The federal government yesterday stated that Nigeria's out- of-school-children (OSC) has dropped to 6.946 million from 10.1 million. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Scholarships Alone Are Not Enough to Get More Qualified Women Teachers Into Schools
[The Conversation Africa] Nigeria's northern rural regions suffer acute shortages of both female teachers and female pupils. UNICEF estimates that over half of all girls are not in school in the north while under a third of all primary school teachers are women. (AllAfrica) |
South Africa: How South Africa Can Prepare for a Data-Driven Education System
[The Conversation Africa] There are significant disparities in South Africa's education system. Schools are divided into quintiles, from one to five; the poorest, in quintile one, struggle enormously with a lack of resources and support. They also tend to have poorer educational outcomes. That has a direct effect on university admission and outcomes. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Anambra Shuts School for Flouting Covid-19 Protocols
[Premium Times] An official says students of the Anambra private school, who returned to classes against government directives, were without face masks. (AllAfrica) |
Malawi: University of Malawi in U-Turn Over Colleges Delinking
[Nyasa Times] In a very surprising and dramatic move, the University of Malawi (Unima) Council has stopped the process of delinking it's constituent colleges. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: 6.9 Million Nigerian Children Are Out of School - Minister
[Premium Times] The Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, says the out-of-school children reduced from 10.1 million to 6.95 million. (AllAfrica) |
Kenya: KNUT in Court to Stop Teachers' Career Progression Guidelines
[Capital FM] Nairobi -- The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary-General Wilson Sossion has filed a petition in court to stop the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) from implementing promotions based on Career Progression Guidelines (CPG). (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Nigeria's Out-of-School Children Figure Drops to 6.9 Million
[Leadership] The federal government has revealed that the number of out-of-school children in Nigeria has reduced from 10.1million in 2019-2020 down to 6,946,328 million following the introduction of Better Education Service Delivery For All (BESDA) in some affected states. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Out of School Children Drops From 10 Million to 6 Million in 2020 - Govt
[Vanguard] The number of out-of-school children in the country which stood at 10.1 million in 2019,reduced drastically to 6.946 million in 2020,the federal government has said. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Security Concerns - Lasu Restricts Students' Movement On Campus
[Vanguard] The decision was taken on Thursday at an emergency meeting of the management, according to a statement by the Centre for Information Press and Public Relations, CIPPR. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Mixed Grill Over Reopening of Schools
[Vanguard] Finally, the Federal Government last week gave the go ahead that schools at all levels could reopen from January 18 after days of pressure and suspense as to the appropriateness or otherwise of doing so. To say the government was under intense pressure from those opposed to the reopening and those in support, would be an understatement. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: Students, Landlords Tango Over Rent During School Closure
[Vanguard] When schools at all levels were closed last March as a result of the outbreak of coronavirus disease in the country, nobody envisaged that the closure would take nearly a year. (AllAfrica) |
Nigeria: FEC Approves 65 Years Retirement Age for Teachers - Minister
[Leadership] The federal government has approved the Harmonized Retirement Age for Teachers Bill, 2021, which seeks to give legal backing to new measures by the current administration to enhance the teaching profession in the country. (AllAfrica) |
Kenya: Queries As Teachers Return to Dirty Schools
[Nation] Are teachers expected to clean and sanitise schools or will they stick to their core teaching duties? (AllAfrica) |
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Institut Supérieur de Formation en Technologie Alimentaire, Casablanca, Maroc / 1èr Institut Franco-africain supérieur privé de l’Agroalimentaire, (Bac+4) en Technologie Alimentaire, DESS en Systèmes qualité, Mastère Professionnel en Bio ingénierie de l’ESPCI Paris, Mastère Spécialisé en Marketing et Technologie Agroalimentaire de l'ESC de Toulouse (France), BTS en IAA option Transformation laitière de l’ ENIL ISBA de Mamirolle,(France), Formation continue aux entreprises

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