Antilhas Francesas : Notícia
Notícia : Antilhas Francesas : Notícia
Investidores inteligentes são orientados a participar agora, antes do próximo 'boom' econômico no Caribe
NOVA YORK , 20 de maio de 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- O investimento estrangeiro direto no Caribe está crescendo, de acordo com a Comissão Econômica das Nações Unidas para a América Latina e Caribe , e os investidores ... (Yahoo! News) |
Empresa anuncia roteiro e início das vendas para novo navio
Quem está na expectativa para o lançamento do Quantum of the Seas, primeiro navio da nova classe da Royal Caribbean International e que levará para os mares atrações inéditas, já pode marcar 23 de novembro de 2014 no calendário. Nesse dia a embarcação partirá em sua viagem inaugural para um dos seus primeiros 18 roteiros pelo Caribe, que variam de sete a 12 noites. As vendas para associados do ... (Yahoo! News) |
Especiarias e praias fascinam turistas de Granada
Com uma beleza de tirar o feocirc;lego, Granada conhecida em todo o mundo como a eldquo;Ilha das Especiariaserdquo; por sua importante produeccedil;eatilde;o de noz moscada, canela, gengibre, baunilha e cravo recebe os turistas de suas praias paradiseiacute;acas e resorts de luxo com uma variedade de paisagens, aromas e sabores que despertam os mais resistentes sentidos. (Yahoo! News) |
Veja pacotes para Nova York
PACOTES FORA DO PERÍODO DO NATAL COM AÉREO; PREÇO POR PESSOA EM QUARTO DUPLO US$ 1.489 Quatro noites no Days Hotel Broadway, com café. Válido de 15/2 a 31/4, exceto feriados e eventos. Na MGM: 0/xx/41/2104-6400; Leia mais (13/12/2012 - 05h00) (Yahoo! News) |
Eleitores franceses se mostram desiludidos na véspera de votação
PARIS - Os candidatos presidenciais da França estão respeitando uma trégua de um dia neste sábado na véspera do primeiro turno, que deve levar o presidente Nicolas Sarkozy e o socialista François Hollande para o segundo turno. As pesquisas finais antes da proibição da mídia de veicular as campanhas, à meia-noite de sexta-feira, mostrou que Hollande está um pouco à frente do rival conservador no ... (Yahoo! News) |
Sarkozy ganha em NY mas perde no Canadá
Graças à Rádio e Televisão Belga Francesa, em Bruxelas, já se tem os primeiros e poucos resultados da eleição presidencial francesa. As eleições nos chamados departamentos ultramarinos foram realizados ontem, assim como em muitas comunidades francesas do exterior. É o caso de Nova Iorque e de Montreal no Canadá. Leia mais sobre: Politica (Yahoo! News) |
S&P vai revisar notas de 37 bancos no mundo, inclusive brasileiros
Nova York, 29 - A Standard & Poor's revisou os ratings de 37 das maiores instituições financeiras do mundo de acordo com seu novo critério de classificação para bancos, que a agência havia publicado em 9 de novembro. Segundo a S&P, todos os ratings colocados em observação positiva ou negativa (Yahoo! News) |
S&M coloca em revisão notas de crédito de 37bancos
Nova York, 29 - A Standard & Poor's revisou os ratings de 37 das maiores instituições financeiras do mundo de acordo com seu novo critério de classificação para bancos, que a agência havia publicado em 9 de novembro. Segundo a S&P, todos os ratings colocados em observação positiva ou negativa (Yahoo! News) |
Major Exhibition at Brooklyn Museum to Redefine the Role of Female Pop Artists
Vija Celmins, Pencil, 1966. Oil on canvas on wood with graphite, 4 1/2 x 33 1/5 x 4 5/8 inches. Collection of National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC Gift of Edward R. Broida. (Yahoo! News) |
New Exec. Director at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadeloupe
LA CROSSE, Wisconsin (WXOW) -- Raymond Burke, President of the Board of Directors of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadeloupe at La Crosse, has announced that the Board of Directors has appointed Leif Arvidson (Yahoo! News) |
Utah Jazz: Kim Tillie has Euro deal, hopes to play in NBA
A big Jazz fan, Kim Tillie harbors hopes of some day playing in the NBA. (Yahoo! News) |
Lansing-area soccer fans flock to bars, restaurants to catch games
EAST LANSING - Just after Mexico sent the ball flying into the net to score its first goal in its Thursday World Cup match against France, Melissa Arreguin's hands sprang into the air and she let out a resounding "Wooo!" (Yahoo! News) |
M. Soccer. Former Clemson Soccer Star Wolde Harris is Back Home
No matter where a player may go there's no better feeling than coming home. For former Clemson soccer star Wolde Harris, it's one of the greatest feelings in the world. (Yahoo! News) |
Holy Ghost Tour shares history
FAIRMONT - As Marlene Ditzler - decked out in high fashion of the early 1900s - spoke to visitors at United Methodist Church in Fairmont about the role of women in the church, those very women were downstairs, doing exactly what United Methodist... (Yahoo! News) |
You can drink in wine and history in and around Paris
Donna Morris, 49, is a professional tour planner in Paris ( ), where she has lived for 31/2 years. Morris is originally from Granite Falls. (Yahoo! News) |
World-Mexico results from last two years
Mexico results from the last two years ahead of the World Cup finals in South Africa starting on Friday. WCQ: World Cup qualifier; GC: Gold Cup; FR: Friendly (Yahoo! News) |
Coastal disaster
Climate change is turning Nova Scotias coastal planning from bad to worse. by Chris Benjamin Developers are hurting Nova Scotia's coasts and putting homebuyers at serious risk. Jen Graham, the Ecology Action Centre's coastal coordinator, sends me a slideshow of houses under construction mere feet from the ocean, seaside roads torn up during heavy storms, causeways built for personal access to ... (Yahoo! News) |
Catching up with Oscar & Tony
Catching up on two recent Oscar nominees I hadn't seen. (Yahoo! News) |
Love the way we beach
Summer means warming your toes in the sand and cooling them in the ocean. Here is our guide to the best of beaches in HRM. by Holly Gordon Eastern Shore Martinique beach Located as far from the city as we're going to take you, Martinique Beach is worth the one-hour drive. As a provincial beach it has access to outhouses, picnic tables, barbecue pits and boardwalks---currently being repaired to ... (Yahoo! News) |
Digicel Group Announces Strong Financial Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2010
KINGSTON, JAMAICA--(Marketwire - June 17, 2010) - (Yahoo! News) |
Digicel Group Announces Strong Financial Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2010
KINGSTON, JAMAICA--(Marketwire - 06/17/10) - Subscribers up 15% to 10.8 million across 32 markets 12% increase in revenues to US$2.2 billion Growth drivers include data, postpaid and Blackberry revenues Digicel, the best value mobile operator in the Caribbean, Central America and the Pacific, continued to exceed expectations today by announcing yet another strong set of financial results for the ... (Yahoo! News) |
France to raise retirement age and increase taxes
FRANCE'S government is to raise the retirement age and increase taxes in a reform aimed at salvaging the nation's indebted pensions system and safeguarding its soverei (Yahoo! News) |
Bob Kravitz: IU's Crean needs to recruit in-state talent
No member of The Indianapolis Star Indiana All-Stars team will play in Bloomington. (Yahoo! News) |
North Palm Beach County events calendar: June 16
Want to have your upcoming events publicized in The Jupiter Courier? Please submit your Looking Ahead events by going to and clicking on the Calendar form. Longer versions of your events, along with photos, also should be posted at (Yahoo! News) |
Carlson Signs Radisson Martinique
The existing beachfront hotel will undergo a $10 million renovation before joining the brand late next year. (Yahoo! News) |
French politicians' privileges heading for the chop
PARIS (Reuters) - As the austerity axe falls in France, many of the little privileges the Parisian political elite enjoys are heading for the same chopping block that the government is preparing for the nation. (Yahoo! News) |
Hibiscus: Caribbean that's unconventional but awfully good
As much as I never turn down a meal at Zuni, Camino, or Nopa, it's something of a relief to read the menu at Hibiscus in Oakland. There are no burgers. No pizzas. No wood-fire-roasted meats with preserved lemons or mushroom-studded farro. Hibiscus is as California-minded a restaurant as they come... (Yahoo! News) |
Ships in Port
Port of Beaumont: Emwika Naree, Thailand, potash for Colombia; Sampogracht, Netherlands, inbound with windmills; Bussara Naree, Thailand, potash for Colombia; Posen, Antigua & Barbuda, potash for Martinique; Basic Reliance, Panama, potash for Japan. (Yahoo! News) |
Bob Kravitz: IU's Crean needs to recruit in-state talent
No member of The Indianapolis Star Indiana All-Stars team will play in Bloomington. (Yahoo! News) |
Wright, Wells lead track and field at NCAAs
Although only three UT runners advanced to their respective finals at the NCAA championships in Eugene, Ore., last weekend, strong finishes by the mens Evander Wells and the womens Phoebe Wright prevented either UT squad from being shut out in the points race. (Yahoo! News) |
For the Record, June 12, 2010
BIRTHS St. Marys Hospital (Yahoo! News) |